You’ve found some of my most recent sermons and series. If you are interested in learning about my philosophy of preaching and how I write sermons, check out this page. Otherwise, click the button under each section to be taken to the page for that series. If want to listen to a sermon that isn’t a part of a series, scroll to the bottom and select the button for “Independent Sermons.” Thanks for listening!


2 Timothy: Final Words of a Faithful Saint

Having completed a series on 1 Timothy at Lakewood Baptist Church, we are now embarking upon a study on 2 Timothy where we will look at Paul’s final words to Timothy. These words contain great hope, serious encouragement, and dire warnings for difficult days.


1 Timothy: Guarding and Guiding the Household of God

When the church at Ephesus is under attack from wolves within the church, Paul sends Timothy as his delegate to repair the church, restablish its leadership, and remind the church to guard the gospel of Christ. Listen in to this series of sermons preached at Lakewood Baptist Church.

I Am: Learning Jesus from His own words

We recently completed a sermons series at Lakewood where we looked at the I AM statements of Jesus in the gospel of John. The goal of this series was for us to see and know Jesus in light of His own words and claims. The I AM statements foist upon us a recognition that Jesus is more than a great moral teacher. He claims to be God in the flesh—come to save the world. When we hear these words, we must deal with Jesus.


A Beautiful Church: messy yet beautiful

I love the Church. I want it to be healthy, faithful, and beautiful. But it’s not perfect and never will be. It’s often messy, hard and even hurtful. But it’s God’s church which He uses for His own purposes. It is the bride for which Jesus died. This series of sermons explores what makes a church a messy but beautiful people. Let us learn to submit to the headship of Christ and live out what Jesus, our Groom has done for us.

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The Stories Jesus Told: A series on the Parables

Jesus told some of the most captivating stories of all time. They are still familiar to many. But do we know what Jesus was really trying to communicate with His parables? I fear that we often miss their true meaning because we think we know what they mean. I bet some of these stories will become more alive and fresh than they’ve ever been if you follow along with me in this series.


Lifehacks: A Series on Proverbs

Lifehacks are little tips or tricks that help us do little things in life in a quicker, better, or more efficient way. Similarly, the Bible contains a whole book of “lifehacks” that teach us wisdom and how to do life well so that we might please the Lord and live well before Him. Join me in this series on parts of the book of Proverbs to learn some biblical lifehacks.


Ruth: More than a love story

If we have any acquaintance with the book of Ruth, it is likely because we have heard Ruth 1:16-17 read at a wedding. Even though this passage rings in our ears as romantic and poetic, the context of the passage has nothing to do with weddings or marriage at all! Perhaps if we read a bit more of the book we will come to think of it as a primarily romantic love story between the destitute widow Ruth and the shining knight Boaz. But I invite you to go on a journey with me to find out that Ruth is much more than that. It is a love story between God and humanity where He proves His kind providence and matchless sovereignty.

Gospel Basics: Message and Messenger

What is the gospel? This series gets straight to the center of our Christian message and our role as messages of the “good news.” The gospel is the only hope that we have in this world. As Christians we possess the message of good news. As such, a proper understanding of the gospel is critical to our witness for Christ and a walk with Christ. If we do not know the gospel message, we won’t know what hope we have to share with others and we won’t know how to grow deeper with Christ. Join me in these two sermons where we nail down the content of the gospel and make clear our responsibility to share it.

Heaven: The Best is Yet to Come

Significant confusion exists in both our culture and our churches when it comes to our future hope and the nature of heaven. We often hear about pearly gates and streets of gold, but is that what Heaven is really about? Do we float on clouds, get angels wings, and play harps all day? Is that really the best we can hope in eternity? Even more confusion enters in the picture when people start reading and believing the spate of “heaven tourism” books. So what do we do? We go back to the Bible and get the straight answers that God has given us about heaven and our future hope with Him. Take a few minutes to listen to this series on Heaven. Indeed, the best is yet to come!

Understanding Church Leadership

Today it seems that church structure and governance is informed more by the business models of the world or of democratic government than it is by the teaching of Scripture. This series seeks to work through this topic by reexamining what the Scripture says about Elders, Deacons, and the Congregation and how they relate to and work together. My basic point is this: Congregations benefit and grow when a lead pastor and a team of elders are assisted by the practical service of deacons and lead the church in the context of congregational accountability. Watch on to learn more!

The Lord’s Supper and Baptism

In order to worship God rightly in Communion and to celebrate the gospel deeply in Baptism, we must come to these practices with fresh eyes full of wonder at the amazing grace of God. For these things to be more than ritual, we must recapture their significance for our faith. To do this, we must understand that the Lord’s Super and Believer’s Baptism are about remembrance of the gospel and the anticipation of our victory in the unfolding work of Christ.


Christmas Sermons

Don’t let the familiarity of the Christmas story make you miss its rich gospel content. Click the link below to check out my sermons on that most wonderful time of the year (or rather the most wonderful person ever born)!

crucified against starry night

Easter Sermons

Easter is the most important time of year for Christians. In fact, each Sunday we celebrate a mini-Easter by remembering the resurrection of Christ as we worship on Sunday. Easter is both a time of solemnity as we reflect on the weight of sin and its consequences and also of the celebration of the victory of Christ as He rose from the grave. Join me in these sermons to see the power of the gospel and the greatness of our Savior.


Independent Sermons

This is a collection of sermons that I preached that weren’t a part of a series. Pick one at random and see what the Lord might say to you.