Independent Sermons

This page contains an index of sermons that are not a part of a larger series. They range from sermons on the Sanctity of Human life to the nature of growth in the Christan life to sermons on encouragement. If you don’t want to jump into a series but want to get a taste of my preaching, take some time to listen to one or two.

Sanctity of Human Life Sermons

Pastor Chase preaches on the sanctity of life from the womb to the tomb. The text for this sermon is Psalm 139.

NOTE: The following sermon was preached on two separate occasions.

Pastor Chase preaches from Mark 10:32-52 on the mission of Jesus and how His mission must also be our mission.

NOTE: This sermon was preached on two separate occasions.

Pastor Chase Hinson encourages us to read the Word of God daily. The text for this message is 2 Timothy 3:16-17.

NOTE: This is the same sermon preached on two separate occasions.

Pastor Chase preached on motherhood throughout the big story of the Bible on this Mother's Day. The text for this sermon is Genesis 1-3.

The youth share testimonies from their time at camp, and Pastor Chase preaches on Titus 2:1-8 and Ephesians 4:1-16.