gender dysphoria

Boys are Boys. Girls are Girls. That's Good News.

Boys are Boys. Girls are Girls. That's Good News.

God has made humans in two genders—male and female (Gen. 1:26-27). Each person from conception is made in God’s image according to God’s design for their sex and gender (Ps. 139: 13-16). These genders are inextricably tied to our biology and are fixed. In other words, biological sex=gender. Sex and gender aren’t realities that can be chosen or changed because of disordered feelings that we have about our bodies. Binary gender (maleness and femaleness) is God's wise design for our good. There are many in our world right now who are struggling and confused about who God made them to be. They are inundated with messages everyday that drive a spiral into deeper and deeper confusion. Let us be a people who are willing to tell the truth about God’s good design, who are willing to listen and pray with those who are struggling, and ultimately who are willing to lead them to a place of hope and healing through a relationship with Jesus. The Cass Report has demonstrated that medical intervention isn’t the answer for those suffering confusion about who God made them to be. The Bible gives us the solution by making plain God’s good design and promising transformation through the gospel.