Don't Let Good Things Overshadow the Best Thing

The season of Easter is upon us once again. This is the time of year that we as believers in Jesus Christ remember and celebrate His death and resurrection on behalf of our sins. However, for most people this time of the year is more about family traditions, the Easter Bunny, and candy. While all of those things may be enjoyable aspects of the Easter season, none of them is what Easter is truly about. This is the struggle of the Christian life often times—letting good things overshadow the best thing. What I want to challenge you with this Easter is to prioritize how you celebrate the Easter season this year. Here are three things that you should do as we approach and celebrate Easter this year.

  • Invigorate your relationship with God—There is no better way to revitalize your personal relationship with God than to see the passion, suffering, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Often the source of our lack of spiritual growth and our tendency to get into a spiritual rut comes from forgetting what we were before Christ and how His sacrifice and resurrection on our behalf changed our lives radically and completely. This year, take a few minutes to read the Easter story from each of the four gospels. Come to church and listen to God’s Word proclaimed in song and sermon asking God to deepen your understanding and experience of salvation in Jesus Christ. Pray that God will show you new ways that your relationship with Him transforms your mind, heart, and life.
  • Invite your relatives, friends, and neighbors—Easter is a wonderful time to invite those around you to church. People who wouldn’t normally come to church will do so on Easter because they had a family member who used to take them to church on Easter, or they have some other fond memory associated with church and Easter. At Easter, people will come to church out of nostalgia, conscience, or tradition. Whatever their reason, we know that God has a deeper reason for them to come—to hear the good news of salvation in Jesus Christ. However, often they will not come unless you ask them. 
  • Enjoy your family—Most families have Easter traditions, and many of us have many fond memories of this time of year. Take the time to maintain those traditions and to enjoy the time that you have with your family. The family was the first institution that God created and we ought to take make the most of every opportunity we have to deepen those relationships and have fun with one another. Get together, have a meal, play some games—whatever it is that you do—do it together and remember the blessing of family that has come from the hand of God.

I hope you will take these things to heart and give them a try this year. Don’t let the season pass without taking advantage of every opportunity to experience the God who died on your behalf and rose again to give you eternal life.