Advent Resources for You and Your Family

Advent Resources for You and Your Family

This Christmas I would love for you to behold the wonder and mystery of Christ’s love and work for you by coming into the world to save you from sin and death. The true meaning of Christmas is found in the person of Christ rather than in presents under the tree. We all know this to be true, but it can be hard to find tangible and practical ways to look beyond the presents to the Person. Using an Advent resource that can guide you and your family through the various passages and themes that make up the Christmas story of Christ come to save people from sin. To that end, I have curated a list of resources that you can use for this very purpose. Some of these are freely available online while you can purchase others from a bookstore or online store. I hope that these resources will be a blessing to you and that they will guide you in worshiping Christ this Christmas.

Spurgeon on Celebrity Preachers and the Need for Humility

Spurgeon on Celebrity Preachers and the Need for Humility

Celebrity culture is a problem for Christianity just as it is for the wider society. We have a tendency to esteem some men and women above others and fall into the faulty notion that somehow they are better than everyone else. Without doubt, God has granted to some singular and spectacular gifts, and those to whom He has entrusted such things should use them powerfully and wholly for His glory. But we must resist the temptation to think that some person is the source of power and therefore should receive the honor due to God alone.

Who Can Explain Jesus but Jesus?

Who Can Explain Jesus but Jesus?

At Lakewood, I’ve been preaching through the I AM statements in the gospel of John. My hope for this series is that it would help those who listen to understand Jesus from His own words. Jesus is the center of Christianity, the center of His church, and hopefully the center of our lives. As such, we must perceive Him as He is so that we might know, worship, and serve Him as we should. In studying for my sermon on John 10:11-21 where Jesus says, “I am the Good Shepherd” I came accross this section from one of C. H. Spurgeon’s sermons. It says beautifully what I am trying to communicate in this series of sermons.

Spurgeon, Types, and the Majesty of Christ

Spurgeon, Types, and the Majesty of Christ

One of the significant motivations for a typological interpretive framework is to help us see just how unified the Old and New Testaments are. So often, we think of ourselves as “New Testament” Christians. But truly, we are people of the entire Word. While there are many aspects of the Old Testament that have been fulfilled in Christ, we can’t excise the Old Testament from our Bibles—or at least we shouldn’t. I fear that we actually do become modern-day Marcionites at times. Not confessionally, but practically in the way that we read the Bible.

Deconstruction and the Destruction of Faith

Deconstruction and the Destruction of Faith

If deconstruction is impossible for a true believer, then what’s up with so many who seem to be “deconstructing?” The short answer is that those who truly deconstruct (and I am not here talking about doubt or even struggling through church hurt) are actually abandoning the faith. They have given the appearance of belief while all along failing to prove that faith with fruit.

7 Practical Applications of Christ's Lordship

7 Practical Applications of Christ's Lordship

At Lakewood, we are currently working through the letter of Paul to the Colossians. The central themes of the letter and of Paul’s exhortation to the Colossians are built on the centrality, supremacy, deity, and lordship of Jesus Christ. As such, I began to try to trace out what practical significance the doctrine of Christ’s lordship had for our everyday walk in Christ. Here are seven practical ways that the Lordship of Jesus matters to us day by day.

What is the Gospel?

What is the Gospel?

The word "Gospel" has often been hijacked in Christian culture. It is basically a buzz word that churches and ministries often use but in such a fuzzy or undefined way that it is virtually meaningless. This is a tragedy because the "Gospel" is priceless and powerful. Indeed, Paul writes, "For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek." (Rom. 1:16-17) The Gospel stands as the center of Jesus's ministry (Mark 1:15) and of His Word. It is not something that is fuzzy, foggy, or sentimental. It is good news of great joy!

Mirror, Mirror

Mirror, Mirror

Perhaps the reflection of “all that we say and do” is not merely limited to our children but extends to all of those that we significantly influence in our lives. I know this to be the case in my own home and not just with my children. This is the case all around us, whether at home, work, church, or any other venue where we carry influence. People reflect what we show them.

Look for Glimpses of Grace and Growth

Look for Glimpses of Grace and Growth

Sometimes the days really are long, and you become so tired of doing the same things over and over again. I wanted to encourage in those moments to look for glimpses of grace and growth in yourself and in your family. Often our kids will do something that astonishes and surprises us. These are reminders from the Lord that our efforts to teach and train our children are making an impact even when they many not seem too. #FamilyFriday

Dads Aren't Dispensable Dummies

Dads Aren't Dispensable Dummies

Someone once said, “A father is someone who carries pictures where his money used to be.” Most dads can probably sympathize and chuckle at that statement. Contrary to popular jokes around Father’s Day, Dads aren’t dispensable dummies. Instead, they are essential pieces of God’s plan for the prosperity of the family, the church and society at large. Join me today for a look at how important dads really are. #FamilyFriday