Chasing the Truth

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Invite Someone to Church

Did you know that a majority of people would respond positively to an invitation from a friend or family member to attend church? In fact, a personal invitation is by and far the most effective means of getting someone to attend a church service. Additionally, Easter is one of the top three times during the year that people are willing to go to church (with Christmas and Mother’s Day).

My challenge to YOU: take a chance and invite someone to church this Sunday.

It doesn’t have to be weird. Just send a simple text. Something like this could make all the difference in someone’s eternity.

“Hey friend, if you don’t have somewhere to go for Easter morning, I’d love for you to come to Lakewood Baptist Church and sit with us. It’s always a great time for me and my family, and I think you’d like it too. We’re even going to have breakfast beforehand so you don’t have to get up super early to feed the kids. Want me to save you a seat?”

Honestly, just try it. What do you have to lose? At worst, they might ignore your text. But at best, they come to church, hear the gospel, and join you in eternity.