Chasing the Truth

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How to Identify Your Idol

In 2 Timothy 2:20-22, Paul encourages us to be clean vessels that are useful to God.

What's our goal in all this? How do we become those sorts of vessels. Paul gave us a clue a little bit earlier in the passage. Our first step is sanctification. In order to be useful to God, we must be clean and set apart to Him. We pursue this sort of sanctification in two ways. First, we seek moral sanctification. We want to pursue Christ-like character. Second we must also consider the idea of our life’s orientation. What is our life about? Who are you living for? What are your passions? Or perhaps this is the better question: What would you be willing to give up to follow Jesus? Or to invert it, what are you not willing to give up to follow Jesus?

The answer to that last question defines your idol. And so, we must be set apart to God to do whatever He requires and willing to give up whatever He demands.

This is a short clip from a longer sermon on 2 Timothy 2:20-22. You can watch the rest below.